Attract Buyers with Energy-Efficient Home Upgrades

Looking to sell your home? Buyers now prioritize energy efficiency and eco-friendly features. Especially during the summer months. Make sure your property stands out from the competition! Invest in these upgrades for your maximum return.

The 2023 Realtors and Sustainability Report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) shows that 48% of agents or brokers have noticed that consumers are interested in sustainability. This is a significant increase from past years. Consumers now want homes with green features, energy-saving technology, and sustainable materials.

Our mission at Bonaventure Realty is to provide our clients with this type of information so they can make informed decisions when it comes to their homes. That’s why we strive to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in real estate and sustainability. We believe investing in the environment pays off for everyone!

If you’re selling your house, it’s important to understand what buyers value and how you can make your home more attractive. Jessica Lautz from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) says:

“Buyers often seek homes that either lessen their environmental footprint or reduce their monthly energy costs. There is value in promoting green features and energy information to future home buyers.”

Consider Upgrading Your Home To Make It More Appealing

For maximum green appeal when selling your home, work with a local agent to understand what buyers in your area are looking for. That same NAR report identifies the following green features as most important to buyers nationwide:

  • Windows, doors, and siding
  • Proximity to frequently visited places
  • A comfortable living space
  • A home’s utility bills and operating costs

You can’t change your home’s location, but you can make it more comfortable and set up the next owners for lower operating costs. ENERGY STAR suggests the following upgrades to boost efficiency:

  • Heating and Cooling: Ensure the HVAC system is properly maintained and serviced. Consider upgrading to a high-efficiency model.
  • Water Heater: Upgrade to a heat pump water heater for reduced energy consumption. This will appeal to environmentally conscious buyers.
  • Smart Thermostat: Install a programmable thermostat, it enhances comfort and lowers energy usage.
  • Attic Insulation: Seal and insulate the attic to prevent air leaks. This maintains a comfortable temperature, reducing strain on heating/cooling systems.
  • Energy-Efficient Windows: Replace drafty windows with energy-efficient ones for lower energy bills. This will minimize heat transfer through the windows.

You may qualify for tax credits and rebates when you install energy-efficient home features. These incentives can help lower the cost of your eco-friendly home improvements.

Real estate agents can be a valuable resource when selling your home. They can help you identify upgrades that are attractive to buyers in your area and advise on which green features to emphasize. If you’ve already made updates, let your agent know so they can highlight them in the listing.

Bottom Line

Focusing on energy efficiency and eco-friendly features can make your house more desirable to buyers. With the help of a real estate agent, you can understand what green upgrades are most valuable in your area and take advantage of incentives for energy-efficient installations. Take these steps to increase the appeal of your home and maximize its value! Contact us today to get started.

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